Think about what love means to you...
If you were asked what love is, what would you say?
Love is sometimes easiest to define in the context of relationships.
Following is the most well-known and timeless definition of unconditional love (with some descriptions and thoughts in italics).
Imagine your life with love that is unconditional, genuine, and free....
~ Love is patient (with imperfect people,
enduring, uncomplaining, tolerant)
~ Love is kind (active in doing good, generous,
~ Love does not envy (wants others to get ahead,
not insecure, overly possessive or competitive)
~ Love does not parade itself (showing off, bragging)
~ Love is not puffed up (inflated with pride, treating
others arrogantly)
~ Love does not behave rudely (displays good
manners, courtesy and respect)
~ Love does not seek its own (unselfish; does not
demand precedence or its own way, thinks of others)
~ Love is not provoked (easily angered, irritable
or touchy, rough or hostile, but is self-controlled and graceful
under pressure)
~Love thinks no evil (does not keep an account
of wrongs done; releases resentments and grudges)
~ Love does not delight in injustice and
unrighteous (finding
satisfaction in others’ shortcomings
or spreading a bad report)
~ Love rejoices in the truth (celebrates the
good, rejoices when right and truth prevail)
~ Love
never gives up (defends, protects and holds other people up)
~ Love never loses faith (believes the best
about others; credits them with good intention)
~ Love is always hopeful (never giving up on
people, but affirming their future)
~ Love endures through every circumstance (persevering
and remaining loyal to the end)
LOVE NEVER FAILS (does not fade, become obsolete or
end) !!!

10 Keys to Happy and Loving Relationships provides essential relationship building tools to help you develop healthy relationships. You will discover relationship building tools to help make all your relationships more fulfilling, harmonious and successful. Whether it is a spouse, friend, co-worker, son/daughter, girlfriend/boyfriend, or casual acquaintance, you will discover that you can have happy, loving, healthy relationships.
Healthy relationships bring joy and peace to our lives. Healthy relationships help us to love and be loved. In
10 Keys to Happy and Loving Relationships, you will be taken on a personal journey to discover how you can better communicate the 10 key attributes of love as you relate to others. You will be empowered with relationship building tools that will help you replace unhealthy patterns with new, healthy and effective ways to communicate, connect with and love others. And you will discover how to communicate and experience genuine love and true happiness in ways that will change you, your relationships and your life forever!
Happy and loving relationships are healthy relationships!
"Real love - This kind of love is emotional in nature but not obsessional. It is a love that unites reason and emotion. It involves an act of the will and requires discipline, and it recognizes the need for personal growth." ~ Gary Chapman, The 5 Love Languages
~Krystal Kuehn
Kuehn, MA, LPC, LLP, NCC is a licensed professional counselor, international
best-selling author, teacher, and musician. She specializes in helping people
live their best life now, reach their full potential, overcome barriers, heal
from their past, and develop a lifestyle of health, happiness, and love. Krystal
is the cofounder of
inspirational and educational kindle books by Krystal, go to: