Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Practice Gratitude to be Healthy, Happy and Wealthy

If you have health, you will probably be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want. ~Elbert Hubbard

As I reflected on the quote above, I was reminded of several things. For one, health is not only a gift, it is a responsiblity. We make choices every day that affect our overall physical, emotional and spiritual health. What we put into our bodies and minds has immediate and/or long-term influence in our lives. Something as simple as complaining about a frustrated goal or dreaded appointment can keep us from feeling gratitude and hope. Something seemingly innocuous as snacking on sweets can spoil our appetite for healthy foods and contribute to our feelings of guilt and lack of self-control.

Taking good care of ourselves is an ongoing process and challenge that can become an established way of life with commitment, discipline and practice. The more we practice healthy habits of body and mind, the more likely they will come naturally to us. With practice, we can feed our minds and bodies with what is good for them, and we can have better health.

Now if we have health, that is, if our minds and bodies are well taken care of, we will most likely be happy as it stands to reason. In that case, happiness is actually a byproduct of a healthy body, soul, and spirit. And furthermore, if we have both health and happiness, we are wealthy indeed. Now the last part of the quote is what I spent a little more time thinking about. It states that with health and happiness we have all the wealth we need. Yet, despite having this wealth, it may not be all we want. 

Does this imply that we can still be happy and not have what we want? We may have what we need, but is it enough? Does not having what we want justify unhappiness? To some of us it does. We are not happy unless we have what we want. But to be happy in the midst of not having what we want suggests a way of being that leaves our inner joy intact. Is it hope that keeps us believing? Is it gratitude that keeps us fulfilled? Is it patience that helps us to appreciate and live in the now? Is it peace that keeps us secure? Is it love that satisfies our deepest longings?

The next time not having what we want tempts to rob us of true inner joy and peace, maybe we ought to ask ourselves how much our health is worth. Are we not wealthy when we see the good, hope and believe the best, release doubts, fears, and anger, receive and give love and thanks? And are we not wealthy when we awaken to a new day with strength and vitality, seeing the light, breathing fresh air, and ready to fulfill our day's purpose and enjoy life's simple blessings?

Health, happiness, and wealth.... suddenly they all seem to come together.

Reflections on Health, Happiness & Wealth
Copyright © 2010 BeHappy4Life.com. All Rights Reserved


Krystal Kuehn, MA, LPC, LLP, NCC is a licensed professional counselor, best-selling author, teacher, and musician. She specializes in helping people live their best life now, reach their full potential, overcome barriers, heal from their past, and develop a lifestyle of health, happiness, and love. Krystal is the cofounder of NewDayCounseling.org, a relationship counseling, family counseling center, specializing in helping individuals, couples and families with professional counseling services for relationship problems, parenting issues, depression, anxiety as well a s substance abuse classes, anger management groups, and more. Krystal is also cofounder of StopSuicideSong.com and BeHappy4Life.com as well as Facebook.com/WordsOfInspiration and several blogs.

We all have been reminded to count our blessings and not take them for granted. Although we may claim to be grateful, we do not necessarily experience the kind of joy and peace that gratitude can bring us. In this uplifting book, Giving Thanks – Why It Makes You Happy, Fills You with Peace and Changes Your Life! , you will discover the untold power of gratitude in every area of your life. You will be inspired to receive and enjoy the good things in life that are available to you every day. Your life and the way you live it will never be the same once you discover the miraculous power of gratitude!

Click here to look inside

We can begin each new day with motivation and anticipation of good things to come. No matter what happened yesterday, today is a new day. And with it, we are given a new opportunity to enjoy life, to love and laugh, to learn and grow, to win and conquer, to prosper and live fully.

Whether or not we realize it, we begin each new day wanting it to be good and purposeful. No one wakes us saying, “I want to be aimless and unmotivated today.” However, we hold a responsibility to encourage and motivate ourselves. And that is the goal of the simple truths in 365 Motivation Starters for a New Day. They are simple every day reminders intended to motivate and help you to:

· Think about your endless opportunities to live a 
fulfilling life
· Get motivated to take some action
· Focus on what matters most to you
· Consider your priorities and decisions
· Improve your relationships
· Grow, learn, and make positive changes in your life
· Fill your mind with positive, empowering thoughts

You can live with motivation, purpose and joy each new day of the year. May the following pages remind you that you have the power within you to choose your attitude every day, to motivate and encourage yourself, and to live a truly fulfilling and successful life!

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